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      Chariot mainly manufacture 15mm historical & fantasy figures. They also have some growing 10mm ranges as well, notably ACW and Zulu's, and a small 25mm fantasy range. The lists below contain the ranges of Chariot Miniatures. By selecting a range, the list of available figures will appear (this may take about 15-20 seconds due to thier size). If you want to look for a figure by period or scale then visit our wargames shopfront.
View some of Chariot's figures in their
15mm, Ancients |
Sumerian/Akkadian |
Hyksos |
Libyan |
Nubian |
Canaanite, Syrian & Ugaritic |
Sea Peoples |
Lydians |
Midianite/Bedouin |
Elamnites |
Kushites |
Hittites |
Babylonians |
Mitannian |
Mycenean, Minoans & Trojans |
Later Hebrew |
Old/Middle Egyptian |
New Kingdom Egyptian |
Early/Middle Assyrian |
Neo/Sargonid Assyrian |
Early Hebrew |
Later Persians |
Indians |
Camillan/Polybian Rome |
Alexander/Macedonian |
Greeks/Spartans |
Numidians |
Early Italian States |
Thracians |
Celts, Gauls, British, German Foot |
Celts, Gauls, British, German Cavalry |
Carthaginian Infantry |
Carthaginian Cavalry |
Marian Romans |
Seleucid/Successor |
Early Persians |
Mid/Late Roman, Foot |
Mid/Late Roman, Cav |
Sub-Roman British |
Baggage Animals |
Biblical Armies |
Classical Armies |
15mm, Napoleonics |
Revolutionary French, Infantry, 1792-1802 |
Revolutionary French, Cavalry, 1792-1802 |
Austrian Infantry, 1792-1805 |
Austrian Cavalry, 1792-1805 |
Prussians, 1792-1807 |
Prussian Infantry, 1812-15 |
Prussian Cavalry, 1812-15 |
Bavarians, 1801-15 |
Napoleonic Casualties |
British Infantry, 1801-15 |
British Cavalry, 1801-15 |
Russian Infantry, 1801-15 |
Russian Cavalry, 1801-15 |
French Infantry |
French Cavalry |
Ready Made Armies |
1/1200th, Science Fiction |
Space Ships |
Alien Ships |